ReSorb Blades at Walls To Workstations

Walls To Workstations have installed a set of ReSorb Blades in their own offices in Dublin.

The Bass shape blades with white core, white rails and Flannel fabric work well with the painted black ceiling. With an NRC of 0.95 the Blades reduce the noise in the often busy office.

Walls To Workstations are a partner of Acoustics By Design offering acoustic advice and products in the Republic of Ireland.


London Scalpel Building Project

The Decus offices are located in London’s sharpest landmark, the Scalpel Building! Boasting a bright and contemporary workspace with exceptional views, at the heart of the capital.

4 offices and 4 meeting rooms were a little echoey due to the glass and hard surfaces of the building, Acoustics By Design recommended ReSorb Walls to treat the rooms to control the reverberation and make them more comfortable for calls and conferencing.

Due to the occupied nature of the rooms, the install was completed over 2 weekends to avoid disruption.

The job was in collaboration with Featherstone Interiors.

ReSorb Maps Acoustic Walls

Installed in a recently refurbished reception, we now have the ability to print high resolution maps in colour or black and white.

Print examples include OS maps, road maps or historical maps.

The lights and sockets are all surface mounted to give a flush, finished appearance but with a class B absorbing wall to control the reverberation (echo) in the room.

Get in touch for further details and pricing.

reSorb Maps Acoustic Wall.jpg

Novo Nordisk – Cambridge

The Cambridge offices of Novo Nordisk are over two floors at the campus close to Cambridge University.

The work is predominantly quiet focussed work interspersed with small meetings and collaboration for which a number of meeting rooms and Orangebox Pods are provided but the office was very quiet leading to distraction from conversations and unwanted noise. The meeting rooms were a little echoey due to the glass and hard surfaces.

Acoustics By Design recommended and installed the Lencore sound masking across both floors and a variety or absorbing products installed on the meeting room walls.

Due to the occupied nature of the offices the sound masking was introduced over a period of weeks using the built in acclimatisation program.